Thursday, 25 May 2017

Group Crit Feedback & Reflection 2 - BAIL103

Since last weeks group crit, I had developed my project a bit more. I've continued my image gathering research, and looked into the book cover artist: Jason Booher. I also sourced loads of images of glitches, in both art and typography, which allowed me to see different ways of creating the effect I was after.

I then brainstormed the different subject matters that I could manipulate and 'glitch', I decided to focus on streets and houses as I felt that this would hold the most symbolism. It was the world that Seth lived in that was digital, and a 'glitch' in the system is what led him into waking up in the real world.

We discussed the composition of my book cover, and all came to the agreement of the singular street running across the two sides was the strongest. I think I can easily run into the trap of overcomplicating my design by wanting to represent too much in such a small amount of space. 

We also discussed colour and materials and came to the conclusion that I should experiment with contrasting colours in order to highlight the 'glitch' elements. Also this contrast would mirror the contrast between the two worlds that Seth experienced. In terms of materials that I should use, I said that the houses have to be quite 'tight' and precise in the way that it is rendered, so that when I go to manipulate and distort the image, it withstands these changes. 

Moving forward, I need to draw my 'street', which might have to be patch-worked together using images from Google Maps. After I need to render my typography and manipulate both the text and image in order to create the 'glitched' appearance. Then I think I will try out different colour combinations, and to resize and reposition the elements on the page in order to create the most effective outcome.

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