Thursday 2 February 2017

Final Editorial Illustration - BAIL102

It's hand in day! Here is my finalised editorial illustration:


List the positive aspects of your STAGE ONE experience – explain how have these progressed and influenced your STAGE TWO work and by continuation your FINAL OUTCOME.
I think that during stage 1, I was able to create a big variety of work, experimenting with different styles, techniques, and processes. This is what I had found particularly valuable for when moving forward in stage 2. However, perhaps what was most valuable for me was the mindset that the ‘reduced imagery work’ gave me. I found out that creating an image is one thing, but to be able to reduce down and to eliminate what isn’t important, is what was most valuable. 
The piece of advice that really got my ideas developing, was to jump straight in with rendering my designs. This way I was given a more instant indication to whether the idea would be successful or not, rather than just playing around with colourless sketches.

These skills came into action when making my final illustration for my article, as I kept reminding myself to get rid of the elements that weren’t adding anything to the final image. This also helped me to think about simplicity in terms of colours and detail, so that I would add just enough, without it becoming too overpowering as a finished editorial illustration, accompanied with text. 

What feedback did you receive from your PEER/SELF ASSESSMENT and GROUP TUTORIALS? How has this been applied to your project work?
Other thing which stood out to me in my feedback, was to make the most important elements of the image really bold and to stand out. For example the swimmer inside the timer wasn’t obvious enough, so that lead me into making it bolder and more of a focus than it was before. It was these little adjustments which helped my final image to become as successful as they can be.

How might the FINAL OUTCOME be developed further? What would you continue given another week? 
Although I am really happy with how my final illustrations came out, I would have liked to have more time with experimenting with the background. Despite the plain background working well with my illustrations (as it helps them to stand out), it would have been nice to experiment with different options & ways to make it perhaps a bit more interesting. Maybe even after trying different designs I would go back to a plain backdrop, but the process of experimentation would have been interesting, and could have sparked a different thought path. 

* Full and complete evaluation in sketchbook *

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